Salmon Pecan Patties

Salmon Pecan Patties

Salmon Pecan Patties By: Ashley Dew This recipe brings me back to my Southern roots. I grew up eating these often and in fact, two of the houses I lived in had a pecan tree in the front yard. These salmon pecan patties are both delicious and healthy, easy to make,...
Matcha, the Beyonce of Tea

Matcha, the Beyonce of Tea

Matcha, the Beyonce of Tea You are either already a matcha aficionado like myself, or else you’ve gotten wind of its magical superpowers. To be honest, its superstar hype should come as no surprise because, quite frankly, matcha can out-twerk any other tea, any...
Seven Questions for the New Year

Seven Questions for the New Year

Seven Questions for the New Year Whether you are a ‘resolution maker’ or not, here are a few simple, yet reflective questions that can help steer the course for an incredible 2023. 1. What is one thing you would like to celebrate about 2022? Before you put on your...