Apricot Easter CookiesBy: Ashley DewWho says Easter has to be unhealthy? There are so many creative and tasty ways to enjoy Easter treats without doing a disservice to your body. These are a delicious contribution to any Spring festivity and you can indulge while...
The Best Seed Crackers
The Best Seed CrackersBy: Ashley DewYou know when you are peckish for something but you don’t have anything in your cupboards that fulfills the ‘peck’ so you make your own creation and suddenly you have something even more wonderful than you had hoped for? Well that...
Sweet Potato Hummus
Sweet Potato HummusBy: Ashley DewMeet the pimped version of hummus. This union has taken my tastebuds (and inability to stop snacking) to a whole new level. What’s more is that with every bite you are fueling your system with beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin...
Wildly Delectable Walnut Cookies
Wildly Delectable Walnut CookiesBy: Ashley DewYou know when you are peckish for something but you don’t have anything in your cupboards that fulfills the ‘peck’ so you make your own creation and suddenly you have something even more wonderful than you had hoped for?...
Matcha Latte / Superfood Smoothie
Matcha Latte Superfood SmoothieBy: Ashley DewMatcha is a new trendsetter on the runway and it's hype is totally deserving. It is a polyphenol packed, nutrient dense, antioxidant rich, cancer-fighting, superfood. Throw in some coconut milk and almond butter to make a...
Superfood Snack Bites
Superfood Snack BitesBy: Ashley DewThis awesome recipe makes a great snack that can be customized with any of your favorite toppings. Nuts and dried berries provide an ample supply of protein and phytonutrient rich toppings. Goji berries, as one example, have...
Moscow Mule Mocktail
Moscow Mule MocktailBy: Ashley DewWith the winter weather rolling in, it is a great time to enjoy these ginger-spiced Moscow mules made without refined sugar. They can be made with gluten-free vodka, or served non-alcoholic as virgin Moscow mules. Traditional Moscow...
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