Health Coaching
A health coach is a guide and partner that helps you to implement lifestyle changes to improve your physical and mental health. Your doctor may have recommended health coaching if you have a chronic health issue like high blood pressure, diabetes, too much body weight, auto-immunity or heart disease. Or you may hire a health coach to help you achieve personal wellness goals like getting in shape or learning how to eat healthier. Change is often difficult, even if it is something that you really want. The benefit of health coaching is having someone to help you through it.

So how does Health Coaching work?
A health coach helps you discover where you need to start and create goals by looking at what stage of change you’re in and what action you are ready to take. It is all about self discovery. A health coach leads you in discovering how to make the changes that work for your life. They also help you figure out what is keeping you from reaching your health goals and how to overcome those challenges.
What it isn’t about is someone telling you what to do. A good health coach respects your terms and the reasons you have for wanting, or not wanting, to change. We show up for you exactly where you’re at and help you navigate the road to the place you want to be.
Often a person might leave a doctor’s appointment and feel discouraged about a diagnosis and what the doctor has told them they have to do to get better. A health coach helps people see that they have incredible strengths that they can use to begin making changes. It is about the very real abilities you have to get better.
Let’s do that thing you’ve always wanted to do:

My Focus
“My focus is to help my clients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring their natural balance to both the mind and the body. My areas of interest include autoimmune disorders, optimal aging, gastrointestinal health/disorders, systemic inflammation and food as medicine. “
1-1 Health Coaching
Are you frankly sick of the yo-yo diets, the myriad of prescriptions that you still have to take, and all the right things you are doing but still hitting walls with your health? Listened to hours of podcasts, watched all the YouTube videos about ‘it’, read all the books and maybe even worked with a few holistic practitioners and still not getting anywhere? I am here specifically for you. Result? You’ll know what it feels like to be in charge of your health and feel incredible again.
My focus is to help my clients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring their natural balance to both the mind and the body. My areas of interest include autoimmune disorders, optimal aging, gastrointestinal health/disorders, systemic inflammation and food as medicine.
Work with me in a 1-1 setting online and receive personalized nutrition and lifestyle suggestions and help based on in-depth intake forms, where you are and where you want to go, and if you are working with a doctor, we integrate their recommendations into your health plan.

Work With Me